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Sound by Sound American English Phonetic Pronunciation of the word ''

Practicing the sound by sound pronunciation table of the word '' will help you improve your spoken American English.

Try this Exciting '' Tongue Twister Challenge

Netty, the naughty networking nerd, Nimbly navigated the net absurdly stirred. She swiftly surfed through sites and statuses, Singing joyfully with jazzy cadences. Network naps she skillfully evaded, No time for slumber, she never wavered. Onward she scrolled, her eyes keenly fixed, Nervously clicking, never feeling mixed. Netty's nimble fingers flew with flair, Networking prowess beyond compare. With laughter and glee, she'd never shirk, Creating connections, her clever perk. But one day, her network nearly collapsed, Nefarious bugs and viruses entrapped. Yet fearless Netty, with her wit intact, Brought it back to life in a spectacular act. Now, she happily hops from link to link, Nurturing friendships with a joyful wink. No network challenge she can't overcome, Netty the legend, her success is seldom undone! So, if you need assistance with your network strife, Seek out Netty, the queen of network life. She'll fix your troubles with a giggle and a smirk, For she's the dazzling maven of the network work!

Learn American English With Today's Idiom

Straight from the horse's mouth

Learn American English With Today's Quote

Romantic love allows you to focus mating energy. Attachment sustains that relationship as long as necessary to raise your baby.

Helen Fisher

roʊˈmæntɪk lʌv əˈlaʊz ju tu ˈfoʊkəs ˈmeɪtɪŋ ˈɛnərʤi əˈtæʧmənt səˈsteɪnz ðæt riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp æz lɔŋ æz ˈnɛsəˌsɛri tu reɪz jʊər ˈbeɪbi

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