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Pronounced by Kimberly


The word 'blurt' has one syllable.

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Sound by Sound American English Phonetic Pronunciation of the word 'Blurt'

Practicing the sound by sound pronunciation table of the word 'Blurt' will help you improve your spoken American English.

#2: /b/
LipsThe lips start together. Then they separate.
TeethThere is a small gap between the teeth.
AirFirst, the air stops. Then, it flows.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#3: /l/
TongueThe tongue is against the back of the upper teeth.
AirThe air flows around the sides of the mouth.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#4: /ɜ/
TongueThe middle part of the tongue lifts towards the roof of the mouth in the middle. The front of the tongue hangs down. But it does not touch anything.
LipsThe corners of the lips come in, pushing the lips away from the face.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#5: /r/
TongueThe tongue forms an arch near the roof of the mouth. It does not touch any part of the mouth.
AirThe air flows through a narrow space in your mouth.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#6: /t/
TongueThe tongue will come up. The front part will touch the roof of the mouth behind the top teeth. Then it will pull down to release the air.
TeethThe teeth are together. Then they separate.
AirAir passes through the mouth. First, the air stops. Then, it flows.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords do not vibrate.

Examples of sentences with the word 'blurt'

The magician blurted out, "Abracadabra!" and turned his hat into a dancing pineapple.

Try this Exciting 'blurt' Tongue Twister Challenge

Blurt the bluebird balanced brightly on the bench, Blurt the ball bounced, betwixt the branches, Blurt bumbled the butterfly, all aflutter, Blurt beamed the baboon, bananas in a clutter! Blurt the beaver built a brilliant dam, Blurt the baby giggled, butter on its hands, Blurt the band played a boisterous tune, Blurt the buffalo danced beneath the moon! Blurt the bakers baked a batch of buns, Blurt the bunnies bounced, having lots of fun, Blurt the brook babbled, beside the babbling brook, Blurt the big balloons burst, what a funny look! Blurt the birds chirped, in a synchronized song, Blurt the babies babbled, all night long, Blurt the bobcats bellowed, in the jungle night, Blurt the butterflies floated, their colors so bright! Blurt the bulldog barked, at the mailman's ring, Blurt the bullfrog croaked, by the watering spring, Blurt the bears wobbled, on a tightrope high, Blurt the bumblebees buzzed, in the sunny sky! Blurt the bubbly bathed the baby boy, Blurt the bells chimed, bringing endless joy, Blurt the dreams danced, in a lively blur, Blurt the laughter lingered, full of cheer and stir! Blurt the world buzzed, with undeniable glee, Blurt the blurted blirts made everyone see, That life is a blurt, a joyous twisted word, So blurt and blurble, to happiness, be heard!

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roʊˈmæntɪk lʌv əˈlaʊz ju tu ˈfoʊkəs ˈmeɪtɪŋ ˈɛnərʤi əˈtæʧmənt səˈsteɪnz ðæt riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp æz lɔŋ æz ˈnɛsəˌsɛri tu reɪz jʊər ˈbeɪbi

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