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Pronounced by Justin


The word 'clarabelle' has 3 syllables.

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Sound by Sound American English Phonetic Pronunciation of the word 'Clarabelle'

Practicing the sound by sound pronunciation table of the word 'Clarabelle' will help you improve your spoken American English.

#2: /k/
TongueThe back part of the tongue reaches up and touches the soft palate, cutting off the air. The tongue pulls away and the air flows.
LipsThe lips position to adjust the sound that comes next.
AirAir passes through the mouth. First, the air stops. Then, it flows.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords do not vibrate.
#3: /l/
TongueThe tongue is against the back of the upper teeth.
AirThe air flows around the sides of the mouth.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#4: /æ/
TongueThe tongue is wide. The front stays forward, touching the back of the bottom front teeth. The back part of the tongue stretches up.
JawThe jaw drops.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#5: /r/
TongueThe tongue forms an arch near the roof of the mouth. It does not touch any part of the mouth.
AirThe air flows through a narrow space in your mouth.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#6: /ə/
TongueThe tongue remains forward and relaxed.
LipsThe lips relax.
JawThe jaw drops.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#7: /b/
LipsThe lips start together. Then they separate.
TeethThere is a small gap between the teeth.
AirFirst, the air stops. Then, it flows.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#8: /ə/
TongueThe tongue remains forward and relaxed.
LipsThe lips relax.
JawThe jaw drops.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.
#9: /l/
TongueThe tongue is against the back of the upper teeth.
AirThe air flows around the sides of the mouth.
Vocal ChordsThe vocal cords vibrate.

Try this Exciting 'clarabelle' Tongue Twister Challenge

Clarabelle Candyland was frolicking through a field of fantastically fragrant flowers. She gleefully giggled as she gracefully galloped, grabbing gumdrops and gobbling gummy worms. Craving more cavity-inducing confections, Clarabelle cunningly concocted a crazy contest. "Coo-coo for candy! Come, compete and challenge Clarabelle's colossal confectionery consumption!" she cheerfully chanted, causing a commotion among curious confectioners. Crowds clamored, clamored, and clamored some more, clamoring for a chance to clash with Clarabelle's candy munching. The competition commenced, and contestants clumsily crammed their mouths with colorful candies, clumsier than a clumsy clam. Clarabelle, with a clever plan, calmly crammed candy cans in a cascading carousel. Confectionary cascades descended, captivating crowds with cascades of candy and causing comical chaos. Cheeks ballooned like beach balls, participants puffed with piquant pleasure, passion for confections painted on their faces. Crumbs, chewing, chomping, chewing, choking, some cleverly catapulting candy into their companions' mouths, causing colossal cackles and contagious chuckles. Clarabelle, the creator of this candy-craving carnival, cunningly clung to the lead, consuming confections with contagious enthusiasm. Competitors convulsed, convulsed, coughing, choking, candy shooting out like confetti cannons. Cheered on by the crowd, clarinet-playing clowns accompanied the captivating chaos, creating cheerful tunes, tinkling triumphantly. Finally, the finale! Clarabelle, a champion of candy consumption, emerged victorious, with a triumphant twinkle in her eye and a mouthful of merry munchies. Clapping, cheering, and celebrating occurred as Clarabelle was crowned the candy queen. Congratulations resounded, and her name was chanted jubilantly, "Clarabelle, candy conqueror! Clarabelle, queen of sweet surrender!" And so, Clarabelle, the charismatic candy connoisseur, continued to captivate crowds, creating joy and jubilation with her jolly tongue twister prowess.

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Straight from the horse's mouth

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Romantic love allows you to focus mating energy. Attachment sustains that relationship as long as necessary to raise your baby.

Helen Fisher

roʊˈmæntɪk lʌv əˈlaʊz ju tu ˈfoʊkəs ˈmeɪtɪŋ ˈɛnərʤi əˈtæʧmənt səˈsteɪnz ðæt riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp æz lɔŋ æz ˈnɛsəˌsɛri tu reɪz jʊər ˈbeɪbi

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